
We accept the following forms of payment:

Bank slip:

After confirming the order, a bank compensation form will be displayed with your data and the total amount of your order. Make payment in any bank in the country, lottery shops or via their home banking. We will be notified within 24 hours, then releasing your request.


The store has the facilities and MoIP payment security. Payment is made through the MoIP site, which is automatically displayed after the confirmation of your order. Then select the preferred payment: Your order will be dispatched after the MoIP team confirm the transaction.


We accept payment via PayPal, one of the online payment methods most used worldwide. With PayPal you can buy with your credit card, international debit card with security and guarantee against fraud. At the end of the purchase, a page is displayed on the PayPal website to choose the form of payment you prefer. You do not need a PayPal account to use it. However, the pages displayed by PayPal will be in English.


After making the deposit or bank transfer is required to send the scanned receipt to our financial dpto for your request to be released. The whole process is done through own site by clicking on contact, and in the "subject", choose the "Bank payment: found transfer" title and put the transfer infor on message, the deposits will be confirmed the next business day.